5 reasons to become a CWGC guide

The Commonwealth War Graves Guides programme is an exciting opportunity open to young history lovers. Here’s why you should get involved.

Commonwealth War Graves Guides

A group of Commonwealth War Graves Guides standing on the steps of the Vimy Memorial.

Are you one of our next wave of Commonwealth War Graves Guides?


Our Guides are a key part of our core mission of preserving and remembering the legacies of the Commonwealth’s war dead.

Every year, we give a small group of young people the opportunity to work at some of the most iconic Commonwealth War Graves sites in France and Belgium.

At Tyne Cot, Thiepval and other cemeteries and memorials in and around the former battlefields of the Western Front, our Guides become our representatives. 

They greet visitors, share the stories of some of those commemorated in our sites, and assist our guests in researching their family histories.

So, why should you become a Commonwealth War Graves guide? Here are five reasons why.

Embrace your love of history

All our Guides have a passion for history and a desire to share it with like-minded individuals. Visitors to Commonwealth War Graves sites are often history enthusiasts themselves too.

If the World Wars are one of your areas of interest, then consider becoming a Guide.
You’ll have the chance to engage with our teams out in France and Belgium, history lovers from around the world, and of course your fellow guides, with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow on a personal and professional level too.

Keep their stories alive

One of our Guides’ key responsibilities when working at our sites is sharing the stories of those commemorated in our cemeteries and memorials.

Within Tyne Cot and on the monumental panels of the Thiepval Memorial sit thousands of names of fallen Commonwealth service personnel. 

Each one is more than just a name; they were a real human being, often around the same age as our Guides were. We believe their stories and sacrifice should never be forgotten.

When you share their tales as a Guide, you are ensuring their legacy lives on long after they died. 

Whether that’s helping a guest look into their family history, or sharing the tale of a pre-war sportsman, or a Victoria Cross recipient, the stories you will tell have a real impact on better understanding the trials and tribulations of those sadly lost in the World Wars.

Work at some of the most iconic cemeteries and memorials in the world

Our Guides are based at two of Commonwealth War Graves’ most famous sites:

The Thiepval Memorial is Commonwealth War Graves’ largest memorial to the missing in the world. Over 72,000 Commonwealth servicemen are commemorated on its name panels, a testament to the brutality of First World War battlefields.

Likewise, Tyne Cot is the largest war cemetery maintained by Commonwealth War Graves. Just under 12,000 war graves can be found there, 8,000 of which hold unidentified.

Tyne Cot Cemetery & Memorial

With just under, 12,000 burials Tyne Cot is Commonwealth War Graves' largest cemetery in the world.

Tyne Cot Cemetery
Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme

Over 72,000 missing Commonwealth soldiers are commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.

Thiepval Memorial

Likewise, Tyne Cot is the largest war cemetery maintained by Commonwealth War Graves. Just under 12,000 war graves can be found there, 8,000 of which are unidentified.

Both of these sites are some of our most popular locations. Thousands of families, schoolchildren and history enthusiasts visit every year, enraptured and moved by the breathtaking architecture and serried rows of headstones.

As a Guide, you will be based at one of these beautiful sites. This gives you the chance to meet and share your knowledge with visitors from across the globe, which is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a Commonwealth War Graves Guide.

There will be opportunities to visit and work at other cemeteries and memorials too!

Enhance your CV

Many of our previous Guides have joined us fresh from university; others have felt the need for a career change to pursue their real passion in commemoration, history, and remembrance; others have previously served in the Armed Forces.

However you come to us, having “Commonwealth War Graves Guide” on your CV can really help enhance it.

You’ll be learning practical skills such as public speaking, dealing with public, research, blog writing and creating content alongside our social media team.

Commonwealth War Graves is one of the most respected heritage organisations in the world. We’d love to give you the chance to develop professionally and personally alongside us.

It’s fun

You get to spend a summer in some beautiful countryside alongside your fellow guides with plenty of opportunities to relax and unwind in some of France and Belgium’s most picturesque cities while engaging with your passion for all things historical.

What could be better than that?

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

James was part of Team Thiepval working as a Guide at the largest CWGC memorial in the world. Discover his story here.

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

Apply to be a Commonwealth War Graves Guide today

Recruitment is now open!

The Guides would generally suit those who are finishing full-time education, such as A-level or equivalent or university or higher education. However, we will welcome all applications.

Head over to the Commonwealth War Graves Careers page for more information on how to apply.

Good luck!

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