
Here you’ll find details of all  Commonwealth War Graves Foundation fundraising activities, programmes, and projects.

All the funding raised goes directly to supporting our core mission at the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation: keeping the stories of the fallen alive to educate and inspire future generations.

See our fundraising activities below.

Walking our War Graves: Our virtual fundraiser
Walking our War Graves: Our virtual fundraiser

Learn more about our 80km charity fundraising virtual Normandy walk. Walk in the footsteps of the Allies on D-Day and beyond.

Walking our War Graves: Our virtual fundraiser

Support the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation every time you shop with no extra cost to you. Register with easyfundraising today.

Bespoke virtual battlefield tours
Bespoke virtual battlefield tours

Location is no longer a factor when it comes to following in the footsteps of a relative who made the ultimate sacrifice in the world wars. Now you can do this from the comfort of your own home!

Bespoke virtual battlefield tours