CWGF Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Runnymede Air Forces Memorial Unveiling

On October 17, the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation was thrilled to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the unveiling of the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial in Surrey, England.

We welcomed more than 130 guests from across the United Kingdom, including members of the Royal Air Force, wider armed forces, local dignitaries, and CWGF supporters.

Various hymns were sung at the ceremony, alongside wreath layings and speeches from special guests and Commonwealth War Graves representatives. 
A replica Spitfire fighter plane was also on display throughout the day.

The ceremony concluded at sunset with newly installed lighting beautifully illuminating the memorial.

CWGF supporter Mr Alastair Kerr paid for Runnymede’s new lighting installation through an extremely generous contribution. We would like to again express our huge gratitude to Mr Kerr for his incredible generosity.

“The 70th anniversary service was a fantastic event, added to by the beautiful and picturesque surroundings and the incredible display by both the Kings’ Colour Squadron and the band of the Royal Air Force Regiment,” said Michele Jennings, the Director of the Foundation at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. “It was wonderful to meet so many likeminded people, and to share the stories of those remembered at this magnificent memorial. The evening was every bit as special as we had hoped for.”

The Runnymede Memorial commemorates over 20,000 men and women of the Commonwealth Second World War air forces that were lost in operations from UK, North, and Western European bases, but have no known grave.

Sir Edwin Maufe designed the Memorial which was unveiled on October 17th 1953 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in one of her first official duties as reigning monarch.

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