The Guides Programme is back!

The Guides Programme is back in action!

We are delighted to welcome back our young history-loving Guides to France. They will be based at the iconic Thiepval Memorial, welcoming visitors from all over the world, and sharing the incredible, moving stories of those we commemorate.

We are extra excited about this announcement as it marks the first time our Guides are back in action following a lengthy break. The programme was put on pause during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now that restrictions have been lifted, our Guides are itching to get out and about again.

You may have been familiar with the project which used to operate under the Interns Programme name.

During their time with us, the Guides become the face of the Commission. They’re essential in engaging with visitors, leading guided tours, and helping to explain the work we do. Our Guides also produce blogs and videos on their time to share their experiences.

Fiona Tabary, Visitor Centres and Guides Manager said: “It goes without saying that after 2 years without the CWGF Guides, I am thrilled that they are finally able to come back to Europe to work with us.

“I love my role as Guide Leader, and I missed them terribly. It is the best job in the world, watching them evolve and grow in experience and confidence. They are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic, and it is always very fulfilling to see them helping and engaging with the visitors and telling them about the work we do.”

Want to sign up and become a Guide yourself? No problem. Head over to the Commission Guides page to learn more about how you can get involved.

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