Support us
There are many ways you can support the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation.
We tell the stories of those who fought and died during the World Wars. As the charitable arm of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, it’s our mission to make sure their sacrifices are not forgotten. We rely on the generosity of supporters to fund a variety of projects to help keep their stories alive. Want to get involved? Check out how you can support our charity below:

Our members are at the heart of our work. Become a Member and you’ll join a growing group of people who play a part in everything we do.
Become a Foundation Member
By donating to the CWGF, you are helping us to keep the stories of the brave servicemen and women who died in the two World Wars alive. Can you help us ensure that their sacrifice is not forgotten?
Donate today
Find out how you can leave a gift for the Foundation in your Will and get some tips on how to get started with your legacy.
Leave a gift in your will
An exciting new online resource collecting the stories of the Commonwealth’s dead of the world wars. Upload your family story today and preserve their memory for evermore!
For Evermore
Does your employer support charities? Find out how you can support our work through your company.
Corporate Partnerships - work with us
We are extremely grateful to the charitable trusts and foundations which make such a vital contribution towards our education, training and heritage programmes each year. Learn how you can support us.
Trusts & Foundations