Leaving a legacy in your Will to the CWGF

Thinking of leaving a gift in your Will? Consider supporting the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation with a legacy.

Leaving a Legacy

A girl in a pink shirt lays flowers on a CWGC headstone.

Every one of the 1.7 million men and women that we commemorate who died in the two World Wars had their own stories – their own lives, their own families. 

They were someone’s brother, sister, son, daughter, parent, or relative. They were members of our communities, torn apart by war, and for many these connections are personal. 

Leaving a gift in your Will helps us keep the memories of these people alive. Here’s how to support the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation with a legacy.

Please note: the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation cannot offer legal advice. The information below is presented only for awareness.

What is a legacy?

A legacy is a donation, or gift, left to a charity in your Will.

As charities like the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation rely on donations, legacies are a great way to ensure your support will have a lasting impact.

Why leave a gift to a charity in your will?

We know that these kinds of decisions carry important weight. Family will always come first. There will almost certainly be children, grandchildren, other family members and friends you will want to remember in your Will.

Once you have made arrangements for your loved ones, if you would like to include us in your Will, we would be extremely grateful.

Charitable donations allow us to continue with the projects that help us tell the stories of those service men and women that the CWGC commemorates. Legacies are a big part of that.

Charities like the CWGF are included in Wills for many different reasons:

Making an impact with your legacy

A guide shows a group of Brownies around the Runnymede Memorial.

Legacies and donations help us to make a difference, although we understand that family will be your priority.

A legacy of any size would be amazing to help support our work, but don’t think you have to bequeath thousands of pounds. Even a small amount can make a huge difference towards supporting the causes you care about.

You can also discuss with us how you would like us to use any gift you want to leave us. It is not always possible for us to use a legacy in the way you might want, but please do speak to us to see what we can do.

Of course, you may feel a gift in your Will is not right for you. If that is the case, you can support us today with a donation or by becoming a member.

Consider leaving a legacy with the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation

After you have taken care of your family and friends, we would be honoured if you would consider supporting the CWGF with a legacy. 

For us, the mission of preserving and telling the stories of the Commonwealth men and women who fell in the World Wars alive is vitally important. 

With your help we can ensure that their stories are remembered.

For more information and contact details for our fundraising team, please visit our Legacies page.

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