Join the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation

Become a Member

Our aim is simple. We want to engage and educate people with the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the men and women it commemorates.

You can help support us by becoming a CWGF member. Membership costs just £36 a year or £3 a month.

Your membership supports vital programmes such as the Guides Programme, which aims to keep the stories alive of those who fell. 

Our Guides are located at Thiepval Memorial, France and Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium, and they are tasked with helping our visitors connect with their loved ones, through sharing research and stories, so that they are remembered in perpetuity.

Thanks to your support, we are able to run this Programme year after year.

Through our innovative educational activities, public events and outreach programmes, we want to educate everyone from school groups to world war buffs, amateur historians or just those interested in learning more about their local history.

With your help, we want to tell the inspirational stories of the men and women who fought and died in the world wars, we want to remember them, and we want to keep their stories alive.

What do our members receive? 

Our magazine
Our magazine
Keep up to date with upcoming projects and news from the Foundation as well as features on the history of the two world wars and some of the stories of the casualties we commemorate.
Members Day
Members Day
Join us for special members open days each year where you can meet our team and mingle with your fellow Foundation supporters.
Access to our members area
Access to our members area
As well as our regular magazine and newsletter, we share exclusive content like members blogs and resources in our members area.
Early access to events
Early access to events
You’ll get exclusive access to tickets for any upcoming special events, such as our Christmas carol service.
Regular Newsletter
Regular Newsletter
Get our e-newsletter with the latest news plus details on special events and talks happening near you.
Yearly impact report
Yearly impact report
Find out how the Foundation operates, what we’ve been working on and how your support helps us achieve our goals.

Members also receive a free CWGF calendar, featuring stunning imagery from 13 lucky winners of our annual Calendar Competition.

Are you ready to become a CWGF Member?
Are you ready to become a CWGF Member?
Sign up as a member to help the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation. Become a member