Commonwealth War Graves Foundation Guides

The CWGF Guides Programme provides young history enthusiasts with an incredible opportunity to work at some of Commonwealth War Graves’ most iconic sites in France and Belgium.

Who are the Commonwealth War Graves Foundations guides?

Our Guides are young people with a passion for history. 

They welcome visitors, share the incredible stories of those commemorated by Commonwealth War Graves, and help assist our guests on their journey of remembrance.

As well as their on-the-ground duties, our Guides are also enrolled on a programme of social visits and experiences to enrich their personal development. Through extensive training and support, we help our Guides with everything they need to know about working abroad.

Our Guides also share their experiences through blogs and videos shared on our website and social media channels. They provide a fantastic insight into what it’s like to work for Commonwealth War Graves.

At the end of their time with us, we also encourage our Guides to join the Guides Alumni Network.
The Network allows them to keep up with their fellow Guides, form lasting relationships, and help us create a unique group of young ambassadors enthusiastic about the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Foundation.

Banner showing three images. First image shows CWGF guides talking to a WW2 veteran in a wheelchair. Second shows a Guide in a bright yellow polo helping a man in a black t shirt and cap pick out names on a stone name panel on the Thiepval memorial. The final image is of a guide and a guest researching names on a computer screen.


Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Tyne Cot

Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Tyne Cot

Commonwealth War Graves Guides are back with one team stationed at the iconic Tyne Cot Cemetery in Belgium. Get to know the Tyne Cot Guides Team a little better here.

Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Tyne Cot
Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Thiepval

Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Thiepval

A fresh wave of Commonwealth War Graves guides is on the ground at some of our iconic sites in France and Belgium – including Thiepval on the Somme. Get to know them a little better here.

Get to know our Commonwealth War Graves Guides: Team Thiepval

Where are Commonwealth War Graves Foundation Guides based? 

Our guides are based at two of Commonwealth War Graves’ most iconic storied sites:

•    The Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, France
•    Tyne Cot Cemetery & Memorial, Belgium

The Guides also give talks and tours at the CWGC Information Centre in Ieper, Belgium and the CWGC Visitors Centre in Beaurains, France.

Tyne Cot Cemetery & Memorial

With just under, 12,000 burials Tyne Cot is Commonwealth War Graves' largest cemetery in the world.

Tyne Cot Cemetery
Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme

Over 72,000 missing Commonwealth soldiers are commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.

Thiepval Memorial

Talks & Tours

The Guides host and lead daily tours at both Thiepval and Tyne Cot.

They’ll be on hand to answer all your questions about these two sites, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and help you find names or graves of the fallen at these incredible sites.

The Guides also give talks at the CWGC Information Centre in Ieper (Ypres), focusing on the history of the CWGC and the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.

Guided tours of The CWGC Visitor Centre in Beaurains are also given by our Guides. The tours are given in English and no booking or fee is required.

How can you become a CWGF Guide?

Guides vacancies are announced early in the year on the Commonwealth War Graves Careers page

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

James was part of Team Thiepval working as a Guide at the largest CWGC memorial in the world. Discover his story here.

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story
Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: James' story

We sat down with Hetty Ruane, another of our amazing Commonwealth War Graves Foundation Guides working in France, to learn a little more about her.

Why I became a Commonwealth War Graves Guide: Hetty's story