The Legacy of Liberation

The Legacy of Liberation marks the 80th anniversaries of several pivotal moments during the Second World War. 

Legacy of Liberation graphic showing a soldier's silohuette against a CWGC gravestone. Warplanes and paratroopers dot the sky while infantry advance in the background.

2024 marks 80 years since some of the Second World War’s most important events, battles, and campaigns.

Eight decades on from these world-changing events, Commonwealth War Graves will be marking these 80th anniversaries with the Legacy of Liberation.

We will commemorate these events in the UK and Europe, including:

As well as the history, Legacy of Liberation will look at Commonwealth War Graves’ vital role in commemorating the men and women who lost their lives during the last 18 months of the year.

The Legacy of Liberation
The Legacy of Liberation

Join us as we mark the 80th anniversaries of some of the most pivotal events of the second world war. From events to online resources, dicover the Liberation of Legacy today.
